Deer For Sale

M3 Whitetails….Impressive yearlings on your bucket list?

M3 Whitetails…..If big pretty wide framey impressive yearlings are on your bucket list…. why not give McNificent a closer look? As deer breeders, we specialize in raising Big Texas Typicals and the deer pedigrees of our whitetail deer for sale include the best and most recognized whitetail genetics lines in the industry. Conventional and Sexed Straws are available…. Like my bucks? Buy my does!

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M3 Whitetails….. Made my McDecision….

M3 Whitetails….. Made my McDecision at our Texas whitetail deer farm…Favorite yearling brothers 2020…..If only they will follow in the footsteps of  Venom and Headache! As deer breeders, we specialize in raising Big Texas Typicals and the deer pedigrees of our whitetail deer for sale include the best and most recognized whitetail genetics lines in the industry. Like my bucks? Buy my does!

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M3 Whitetails… Two things I have learned…

M3 Whitetails… Two things I have learned about taking pictures of bucks at our Texas whitetail deer farm. They always seem to stand together photo bombing your target and the same Texas DMP Bucks, Stocker Bucks, and Breeder Bucks seem to get their pics taken over and over. Some even wink at you…Such is life! Like my bucks? Buy my does!

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M3 Whitetails….McNificent yearling son down for a haircut!

M3 Whitetails….A McNificent yearling son down for a haircut at our Texas whitetail deer farm…not too shabby I’d say! As deer breeders, we specialize in raising Big Texas Typicals and the deer pedigrees of our whitetail deer for sale include the best and most recognized whitetail genetics lines in the industry. Like my bucks? Buy my does!

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M3 Whitetails… Which yearling is my favorite?

M3 Whitetails… If you want to know which whitetail yearling is my favorite at our Texas whitetail deer farm….as a Texas deer breeder, it depends on which pen I am in. Today I like these Big Texas Typicals…which are what buyers want when buying Texas DMP Bucks, Stocker Bucks, and Breeder Bucks. Our whitetail deer for sale are sure to impress and are priced competitively.  Like my bucks? Buy my does!

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M3 Whitetails….Do you notice any similarities?

M3 Whitetails…. McNificent 2.0 at 1 and McNificent at 2 at our Texas whitetail deer farm.  Do you notice any similarities? As deer breeders, we specialize in raising Big Texas Typicals and the deer pedigrees of our whitetail deer for sale include the best and most recognized whitetail genetics lines in the industry.  Like my bucks? Buy my does!

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M3 Whitetails…..Don’t judge first year antlers!

M3 Whitetails….. Have you heard that you should never judge a yearling buck by his first years antlers? Here is a good reason why! Pictured at one and two at our Texas whitetail deer farm.  As Texas deer breeders that specialize in raising and selling whitetail Breeder Bucks, whitetail DMP Bucks, and whitetail Stocker Bucks, we have the Big Texas Typicals that buyers want.  Like my bucks? Buy my does!

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M3 Whitetails…Time to decide who stays and who goes!

M3 Whitetails…..It is that time of year to decide who stays and who goes at our Texas whitetail deer farm!  As deer breeders, we specialize in raising and selling whitetail Breeder Bucks, whitetail DMP Bucks, and whitetail Stocker Bucks. Big Texas Typicals are what buyers want and our whitetail deer for sale are priced competitively.  Like my bucks? Buy my does!

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M3 Whitetails…This pen of yearlings don’t disappoint!

M3 Whitetails…..Took the McKodak to pen 8 today at our Texas whitetail deer farm.  This pen of yearlings don’t disappoint this old boy… Big Texas Typicals are what buyers want when buying Texas DMP Bucks, Stocker Bucks, and Breeder Bucks. Our whitetail deer for sale are sure to impress and are priced competitively. Like my bucks? Buy my does!

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M3 Whitetails…. The Kodak never lies!

M3 Whitetails…. The Kodak never lies! We have McYearling bucks that make me smile at our Texas whitetail deer farm. These M3 Whitetails bucks would be an excellent choice for a deer breeder pen, a DMP operation or for pasture release. Our whitetail deer for sale are sure to impress prospective buyers and are priced competitively  Like my bucks? Buy my does!  

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M3 Whitetails
Mark McMillan
4951 Mitch McMillan Rd. Franklin, TX 77856
979.227.3804 (o) 979.777.0951 (c)

September 2024